ostracon ancient art



Greek Terracotta Dove, Hellenistic Period, 3rd-2nd Century BC

Flying bird with summarily made wings and tail, the head raised.

Pierced hole for hanging.

For related pigeons or doves from the Cyrenaica, cf. Simone Besques D4411-D4413 (p. 78, pl. 44-45).

W. over wings 5.2 cm (2 in)

Intact and fine. Remains of a white engobe.

German private collection. Thence Nagel Auktionen Stuttgart, November 2004 sale.

280 USD

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Simone Besques. Catalogue raisonné des figurines et reliefs en terre-cuite grecs, étrusques et romains. Vol IV-II. Époques hellénistique et romaine. Cyrénaique, Egypte ptolémaique et romaine, Afrique du Nord et Proche Orient. Paris 1992.

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