ostracon ancient art



Egyptian Faience Amulet of Thoth, Late Period, 688-343 BC

Faience amulet of the scribe god Thoth rendered in human form with ibis head.

Finely modeled figure depicted striding on a rectangular plinth, wearing a striated tripartite wig, his arms to his sides with clenched fists.

The back pillar behind pierced for suspension.

The amulet of Thoth as an ibis-headed walking man had purely funerary connotations. During the Late Period it was always placed on the chest of the deceased together with the amulets of other funerary deities.

For a related example, cf. acc. no. 89.2.544 in the Metropolitan Museum New York.

Intact, excellent condition.

H. 4.4 cm (1.7 in)

Belgium private collection by succession.

480 USD

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