funerary cone with three registers of sunk hieroglyphs reading: (1) The
Bearer of the brazier (2) of the temple of Amun, (3) Nekhy, [justified (?)].
This cone and a second one held in a Japanese collection are the only known
examples of the type, which is enumerated as 650/B.23 by Zenihiro.
Both the name and the title on the cone are uncommon. The personal name
Nekhy is not listed with Ranke. Also the title is rarely reported and not
yet known on funerary cones.
The humble title may point to the Ramesside Period, but it cannot be ruled
out that Nekhy's cone eventually dates later.
Badly pitted lower end and remains of a red wash on the raised surface. Most
of the preserved hieroglyphs keep a greyish-white coat in the sunken areas.
Tiny remains of blue pigment denote that they were most likely painted.
Shaft chiseled off and missing, core of the cone black.
D. 10.6 cm (4.2 in),
L. 3.9 cm (1.5 in)
Ex collection of Dr. Ulrich Müller, Switzerland, established between 1968 and
Comes with a termoluminescence analysis report issued by Oxford
Authentification Ldt.
960 USD |

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pictures -------- |
Ranke, Hermann. 1935. Die ägyptischen Personennamen. Vol. 1. Glückstadt/Hamburg.
Ranke, Hermann. 1952. Die ägyptischen Personennamen. Vol. 2. Glückstadt/Hamburg.
Suzuki, Hachishi. 1997. Egypt: A Glimpse into the Lives of the Ancient
Egyptians. Exhibition catalogue in Japanese. Tokyo.